
Russell James

The superstar Aussie celebrity and fashion photographer, and Victoria’s Secret’s snapper-of-choice, discusses his hypothetical last day on earth…

How are you spending your last day on earth?
In the Kimberley Ranges in North West Australia, having a swim in one of the many water falls about sunset and potentially being eaten by a croc.

Do you have any deathbed confessions?
Yes, I’m actually a sheet metal worker who somehow came to be identified as a “fashion photographer”. Every day I wake up thinking, “Today’s the day they figure it out”.

What’s your proudest accomplishment?
While both of my parents were alive I received the West Australian of the Year Award for my work internationally in Art and Culture. However, I’m still a kid from Perth at heart and my parents truly bet the ranch on me.

Who was your favourite supermodel or Victoria’s Secret Angel to photograph?
That’s like asking “which one of your children is your favourite” — although some days I could secretly put my kids in order. I think Gisele Bündchen has to be mentioned. We had an incredible rhythm and we could create the best shots in the shortest time. The teamwork between us was incredible.

Will you be going to heaven or hell?
I’d like to go to Studio 54 and visit all my friends as soon as I go – so, unfortunately the warmer climate looks more likely.

To whom on earth do you owe an apology?
My son Harry. When his pet squirrel Cherry Sparkles died, some years ago, I told Harry I’d wrapped up Cherry Sparkles in a T-shirt and put him in the freezer until we could find a place in the forest to bury him. However, the truth is I had disposed of Cherry the day he died. Harry and I eventually had the service and I now confess we buried a frozen sausage wrapped in a T-shirt. At least I won’t have to face Cherry when I meet my maker because I’m pretty sure he went to heaven and I’m going to Studio 54.

What did you spend the most money on during your lifetime?
I have a shirt that says, “national bank of dad” so I’m going with the kids. A close second is boats and right behind that is travel to exotic locations.

What are you glad you’ll never have to do again?
Work in a metal factory welding rubbish bins in the middle of summer. They don’t make rubbish bins from metal anymore.

Got any last words?
Work hard, be kind, follow your vision and the rest will take care of itself. ■


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Renee Gracie

Meliah Garner